Social Yorkies IVC

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Why Social Yorkies IVC?

Social club with over 60 active members in York.

Large variety of activities including walks, meals out, pub quizes and club parties.

Monthly events programme.

Friendly and welcoming.

Yearly membership only £20.

Run by its members.

Non-profit making.

Established for 26 years.

Open to a variety of people of different backgrounds and interests.

Read our FAQ to find out more.

AIVC logo

Social Yorkies IVC is affiliated to the Association of Intervarsity Clubs.

Forthcoming events

Friday Night Drink(s)

Friday, 26th July @ 19.30

York Races

Saturday, 27th July @ 13.30

A Day out to Saltburn Food Festival

Sunday, 28th July @ 09.20

Theatre night

Saturday, 3rd August @ 19.00

Day trip to Beverley - on the train

Saturday, 17th August, time TBA

Find us on Facebook

Social Yorkies IVC Facebook page Find out what Members have been doing on the Social Yorkies IVC Facebook page.

Check out our umbrella organisation, AIVC, on Facebook.

Monthly events for prospective members

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Sunday, 6th October @ 14.00

The Minster Inn

Christmas Party

Christmas Party

Saturday, 7th December @ 19.00

Novotel Hotel dinner and disco

To find out more about attending these events, join as a prospective member using this web site.


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