Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 14.00 York Minster - Out of the Ashes and Christmas Tree Festival |
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21 19.30 A Christmas Carol |
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28 20.15 Persuaders at the Eddy |
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31 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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18 10.30 Committee Meeting 11.30 Coffee and Chat |
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22 |
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24 |
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Social Yorkies IVC makes every effort, where possible, to provide events that are available to members with disabilities and the majority of events will be suitable for most people. If you have a health condition or disability which you think might affect your ability to take part in an event, please contact either the committee or the event host who will be happy to see if arrangements could be made to cater for your needs.