Social Yorkies IVC

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Social Yorkies IVC committee

The Committee

Ben Thompson

Ben Thompson
Web Officer (non-committee role)

Manages the website and ensures all the technology keeps working

Peter Ashton
Events Co-ordinator

Politely encourages members to host events every month. Ensures the diary sheet is updated and helps promote events to the members

Michelle Kendall

Michelle Kendall
Membership Secretary, Members

Responsible for the membership database, handling renewals for existing members

Gina Drake
Membership Secretary, Prospective Members

Responsible for all the new enquiries that the club receives, co-ordinates the information that potential members get, maintains the database and actively encourages potentials to join.

Hazel Lane

Hazel Lane

Records minutes of the committee meetings and deals with any inter-club correspondence.

Alison Webb

Alison Webb
Social Media Coordinator

Responsible for the clubs Facebook and Twitter sites and the latest emerging social media fads!

Cristina Rivas Graver

Cristina Rivas Graver

Manages the clubs finances and ensures money is spent wisely.


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